Saturday, February 6, 2010

And we're on our way!

So, we've had some time for the information from our first fertility appointment to sink in and it definitely looks like we'll be going for our first IUI cycle next month!!!  We are so excited!!! 

To get things started, I went in last Wednesday for the first round of bloodwork and will go back on on Feb. 13th for a progesterone check.  Lewis is also scheduled for a urologist second opinion on the 15th so it looks like our Valentine's Day this year will be smack dab in the middle of fertlity appointments.  What could be more romantic, right??  In all honesty, we couldn't be happier.  It feels so good to be taking these steps and I actually do think it's romantic to be taking these steps together to have a baby.  I am so incredibly blessed to be sharing my life with my husband.  He is an amazing man and every day with him is exciting and fun.  We have been together for 9 years and we are more in love than ever.  Having a baby together is going to be an amazing extension of that love! :)

My job now?  To fill my mind with positive thoughts as we go forward.  I'm simply not going to allow myself to dwell on all the "what ifs".  I really do believe with all my heart that this is the answer for us.  To help my mind stay in a positive place, I'm going to stay focused on my husband, our marriage and our beautiful baby-to-be. Whatever we go through to make this happen will be worth it.  Of course, we know that it often takes more than one time for people to get pregnant with this method but there are also lots of people who get lucky the first time.  We believe we're going to be some of the lucky ones.  It really seems that since we have gotten pregnant on our own before, this procedure is going to give us the best circumstances for making it happen again.  Having an expert watching and making sure everything is proceeding as it should as we go through it all will be a big comfort for me.  I know we are in good hands.

Now, I'm off to exercise!  I don't know if I'll ever be one of those people who love to workout, but I have gotten to the place where I don't mind it so much.  I'm going to be hitting it harder now because I'd like to lose about 10 pounds in the next month as an extra step in kick-starting things. We're already eating right, I just need to kick the cardio part into high gear.  Off I go!

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