Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Morning" Sickness and a Sad Goodbye

Silly me, I thought maybe I would be one of the lucky ones and get by without experiencing real morning sickness.  After all, my mom says she never had it with either of us.  And, even as late as the end of last week I was still just feeling really nauseous but not throwing up.  Well, this week it's been a different story.  And it's not just in the morning - it hits me off and on day and night.  People keep telling me it's a good sign so I'm definitely not complaining.  In fact, I take comfort in the feeling just praying it means that all is well with our little jelly bean. :)  We go this Friday for another ultrasound so they will make sure everything is still moving along according to schedule.  We can't wait!!!  I will be 8 weeks and our baby should be the size of  a grape - simply amazing that it has grown so much in just 2 weeks!  I'm feeling pretty good about everything, better every day, but hearing them say that the baby is measuring 8 weeks and everything still looks good will be a huge relief!  And to make the day even more special, we'll be celebrating our 5th Anniversary on Friday!!! We can't think of anything in the world that could compare to that as an annivesary gift. :)       

With all the baby excitement, we have also been dealing with the very sad loss of our sweet little dog, Macy.  I got her as a puppy 13 years ago back when I was a single, carefree college student.  She was my best friend and constant companion for my whole adult life.  Lewis and I met 9 years ago and she and I came as a package deal.  He grew to love her just as much as I did and we are both just heartbroken.  We know she had a long, happy life but our house feels so empty without her sweet little presence.  She loved us with all her heart and we were her whole little world.  She gave us so much joy and kept us laughing all the time.  I am so, so grateful that she passed away on her own and that it was on a Saturday when we could be with her.  We tried to get her to the vet but her little heart gave out on the way.  I was sitting in the backseat with her, petting her and telling her how much I loved her and she was looking up at me with her soft brown eyes when she took her last breath.  As hard as it was, I wouldn't trade that for anything. I am so grateful that I have the baby to focus on now and I think that's why God chose this timing to take her.  As empty and quiet as our house feels now, it won't for long. :)

Goodbye, our sweet little friend.  You were such a blessing in our lives.  Thank you for all the love and memories you gave us.  We miss you.

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