Thursday, July 15, 2010

We're having a girl!!!

Today was my 20 week OB appointment and we had the big anatomy scan.  What an amazing day!!!  We went to a sneak-peek place last week and already knew it was a girl but I wanted to hear it confirmed today since the tech last week had a little trouble finding it.  Our little princess was extra wiggly today and the technician got the gender shot right away so now we know for sure that she is definitely a little girl!! :)  Although we honestly did not have a preference for boy or girl, we are thrilled!  I'm so excited about doing her nursery and buying all the little girly clothes and hair bows and Lewis is loving the idea of having a daddy's girl.  It just feels so good to finally know and we feel more bonded to her than ever!

Seeing our little one in 3D last week was incredible but today's ultrasound was by far the most amazing thing we have ever seen!  Since the purpose of today's scan was to take measurements and make sure everything is developing properly, we got to see her up on the screen for a long time and got a very in depth look at her entire little body.  We saw detailed views of her brain, got to count all 10 fingers and all 10 toes, saw the chambers of her heart, saw her bladder and two little kidneys, her amazing little spine, her sweet face, and even counted the blood vessels in the umbilical cord!  Everything measured perfectly and she is right on schedule!  Thank you, Jesus! :)  Even though I felt deep down that all was well, I have been a little worried leading up to this appointment.  We both felt so relieved to see that there are no obvious problems with her.  I have been emotional all day just thinking about how God has blessed us and answered our prayers.  We are so very grateful!

During the scan, the tech noticed a possible problem with the placenta placement.  It is positioned at the bottom where it is partially covering my cervix so I have been diagnosed with placenta previa.  In lots of cases, it will move up on its own as the uterus grows but it is something they will have to watch closely because it can cause some complications in later pregnancy.  They'll do another ultrasound when I go back in 4 weeks to see how it looks.  At that time they'll also try to get a good look at the blood flowing in and out of our baby girl's heart since she was moving around way too much this morning for them to get a clear view of that.  In the meantime, I'm supposed to take it very easy.  I'm not on bed rest or anything yet, I'm just supposed to avoid lifting, any kind of pulling or pushing, and no strenuous activities.  Although the risks in later pregnancy are kind of scary, I'm not worried now because they said there is a very good chance of it correcting itself in the coming weeks.  That's what we'll be praying for!

Now that we know for sure it's a girl, we've decided on a name.... Lucy Elizabeth LaRosa!  I had a short list of girl names that I liked but Lewis loved Lucy from the first time I brought it up and through his persistence, I've fallen in love with it too.  It's actually after my mom - her middle name is Lucille and everyone in her family calls her LuLu.  We chose Elizabeth after his grandmother - her name was actually Betty but we liked the formal Elizabeth better for a middle name.  We love being able to finally call her by name instead of just saying "the baby" all the time. 

Now for some pictures:  

The classic 3 lines - it's definitely a girl!                          

This is a side view in 3D. Her hand is on her head and her little legs are stretched out.

We finally got a profile shot of her little face today!

Sweet little feet

Lucy waving hello!

She had her legs stretched out and crossed for part of the scan each time. So cute!

We love our sweet little Lucy already and absolutely can not wait to meet her in 4 months! :)


  1. OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!! This was such a happy post, thank you for sharing! I love, love, love her name! We can't wait to meet sweet Lucy LaRosa!

  2. How cute! I didn't know you had a name picked out already, so precious :)
