Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wishful Thinking and the Name Game

Okay, so the morning sickness is better than it was a few weeks ago but definitely not gone.  I guess it was wishful thinking on my part.  Boo!!  At least I have good days mingled in with the bad ones now and I definitely have more energy.  I really can't complain about the morning sickness since I know our baby is healthy and that's all that matters.  Plus, Lewis has been spoiling me shamelessly so that's an added bonus.  :) 

I am 15 weeks now!  I can hardly believe how fast it's going by now that I feel less anxiety about it all.  I finally feel ready to get serious about names and nursery ideas. :)  I think I was still a little too scared before this point but the last few days, it's all I can think about!  I've actually started having trouble sleeping at night because I feel anxious about all the plans and decisions we still need to make for the baby.  Lewis and I have been working on baby names and I have to say, it's much harder than I thought it would be.  We've managed to avoid actual arguments but it's a little frustrating at times.  Lewis is pretty open when it comes to girl names but VERY picky when it comes to boys.  Hopefully, once we know whether it's a boy or girl we'll have an easier time.  (This is what I keep telling myself anyway!)  I've gots lots of ideas for nurseries but I can't make a decision on that either until we find out the sex.  Luckily, we should know next month and then the real fun can begin!

On a different note, I have a new prayer request.  Please keep Lewis's sister Sara and her husband Tim in your prayers in their journey to become parents.  They have been going through fertility treatment and are currently doing their first round of IVF.  It is a very tough process and poor Sara has been giving herself multiple injections a day and experiencing some rough side effects.  The good news is that the actual transfer will be done next week and then two weeks later, they may find out they are pregnant and the rollercoaster will all be worth it! :)    

1 comment:

  1. thanks so much shannon! can't wait to be pregnant together!! love ya!
