It has been quite a while since I last posted. Let's see, probably the best place to start is the trying to conceive aspect of our lives...
Following doctor's orders, we took a break from trying to get pregnant for a few months. The break was good for my body, but even better for my heart and soul. I didn't realize how hard the trying to conceive journey had become for me until I had a break from worrying about it for a while. When it was time to start trying again, I was in a much better place than before and I had a new resolve. I would give it a couple of months and then I would push as hard as I had to for additional tests.
I'm just so ready to turn this over to someone else to try to figure out for us. I don't know if I can describe to anyone what it's like to try for months on end to get pregnant. It really is a rollercoaster in and of itself. You spend the first few weeks of your cycle trying to psych yourself up into believing that "this is the month". Then, you have a window of a few days that you're expecting to ovulate and you worry about whether or not your fertility monitor was accurate and your timing was right. Then what's called "the two week window" begins - this is the time between ovulation and your expected period that you can't test and you just have to wait. I try very hard not to get my hopes up too high during this time anymore, but it's almost impossible... After all, you spend the first few weeks convincing yourself that this is "the month" so it's hard to talk yourself down from that. Add to that the emotional ups and downs of finding out you're finally pregnant and then finding out you miscarried... It's a lot to deal with. I can't wait to have someone with years of experience take this on. I've spent so much time trying to figure out my body and pinpoint what could be wrong and what we should do about it. I think I know more about my cycle than anyone ever should at this point but I know these doctors are going to figure it all out for us. And then we'll have a plan for the next 3-6 months. I absolutely can not wait for that part. It will really feel like we're on the right track then and not just guessing.
The past few months have brought about a few other changes. First and foremost, my 36 year-old brother found out he has significant heart problems and actually underwent open-heart surgery 2 weeks ago. It was the shock of a lifetime to find out that he was sick! And to be so young and need open-heart surgery was almost too much for any of us to comprehend. People were praying for him all over the world and God saw him through the surgery and is now seeing him through the recovery. Everyone has been amazed with how quickly he's bouncing back from this. If you knew my brother, you wouldn't be surprised at all because he's pretty amazing himself. Finding all this out, has given me the kick in the pants I needed to change my life. He and I knew that with the heart problems on my father's side of the family we would have to be careful - we just had no idea it could affect us this early. I've been wanting to take better care of myself for a while now but with everything else going on, I just never made it a priority. Now, I realize I have no time to waste. I have completely changed how I eat and I'm slowly working up to more strenuous exercise. This isn't just a diet, it's my new life. It's not easy, but much easier than I ever imagined it would be now that I've seen how urgent the need is. I will also be going to see a cardiologist so that any problems can be caught early. It's scary but I want to live to be very old with my husband and this is just what I have to do.
The other big event is that Lewis and I bought a house. :) It's actually the house we've been living in since we moved here 3 years ago so we didn't even have to move! We have been renting it from Lewis's parents -who live across the street - this whole time and we were content with that because we kept thinking we may want to relocate and wanted to keep our options open. We knew his dad wanted to sell the house within the next 6 months but we still weren't convinced that this was the right house for us. Then after everything that happened in August, we started thinking about where we want to live when we have our babies and we realized that we do really love it here. We actually love living across the street from Lew's parents and we also love all the room this house has. The house does need a few cosmetic improvements but nothing major. We are very excited about being homeowners and look forward to all the stuff that goes along with that! And hopefully, we'll start filling up the extra rooms soon. ;)
For me personally, it just feels really good to finally put down some roots here. For the past 3 years, everything from my job to this house has felt temporary. We moved here for Lewis to finish school and we made no commitment to stay. I think that was mostly because neither of us was sure how I would adjust to being so far from my family. I still have a hard time with that some days, but overall, I have grown to love living here. Now that I know this is something more than temporary, it feels like it's the beginning of a very exciting new phase in my life and I couldn't be sharing it with a more amazing man!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A New Day
Lewis and I have been so touched by the out-pouring of love we've experienced in the last week! I wasn't entirely sure that the blog was a good idea but now I know without a doubt that sharing our latest struggle with all of you was the right move. I can't tell you how much all of your amazing emails and cards have lifted us up! Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know you're thinking of us and for all the prayers.
I have spent a lot of time this last week talking to our Father. The frustration and hurt I felt over our miscarriage has melted away and I'm left with such a feeling of peace about it now. I know in my heart that there was a purpose in what happened. I truly feel that God must have needed another little angel and He needed us to conceive one for Him. It was a gift to carry that little soul inside me even for such a short period and I feel blessed to have known that feeling. As much as it hurt to let it go, I know that we will be blessed with another pregnancy and a healthy baby sometime soon. This showed us that it's possible and maybe it was God's way of getting us ready.
I also believe that through this struggle, God is drawing me closer to Him and teaching me that I need to have more faith in His plan and His timing. I am a planner by nature - I make lists, I love time lines and goals. My approach to getting pregnant has been to research and plan, plan, plan. I know in my heart that as much as I plan, I can't make this happen in my timing - it has to happen according to God's timing. Still, for someone like me, it can be really hard to relinquish control when it's something I want so badly. In the last few weeks, I have prayed for Him to help me trust in His timing and to help me cope with the fear and anxiety I was feeling about trying to get pregnant again. I woke up yesterday morning and again this morning with so much hope and joy in my heart. There is such comfort in knowing that even when we don't' see it, He is at work in our lives!!!
I am praying for a baby more fervently than ever but I am also praying for patience, faith and wisdom in the meantime. I found the following prayer online and along with praying for a healthy baby, it has become part of my daily mantra...
St. David's Prayer for Infertility
Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings in my life. Help me to remember them as I face the challenges of infertility. I pray that I can surrender myself into your hands. Let me accept the reality of this situation and have the wisdom and courage to take action where I can. Strengthen my body, mind and spirit to endure the trials of infertility. Keep me ever mindful of the needs of others and grant us your peace. Amen.
On a separate note, please keep Lewis in your prayers as he recovers from a back procedure he underwent this past Thursday. He has suffered with back problems for years and years as a result of degenerative disc disease. After trying physical therapy for several months without a change, they decided to try injection therapy to see if he can get some relief. So far, he has noticed a small difference and we are praying tomorrow brings even more relief!
I have spent a lot of time this last week talking to our Father. The frustration and hurt I felt over our miscarriage has melted away and I'm left with such a feeling of peace about it now. I know in my heart that there was a purpose in what happened. I truly feel that God must have needed another little angel and He needed us to conceive one for Him. It was a gift to carry that little soul inside me even for such a short period and I feel blessed to have known that feeling. As much as it hurt to let it go, I know that we will be blessed with another pregnancy and a healthy baby sometime soon. This showed us that it's possible and maybe it was God's way of getting us ready.
I also believe that through this struggle, God is drawing me closer to Him and teaching me that I need to have more faith in His plan and His timing. I am a planner by nature - I make lists, I love time lines and goals. My approach to getting pregnant has been to research and plan, plan, plan. I know in my heart that as much as I plan, I can't make this happen in my timing - it has to happen according to God's timing. Still, for someone like me, it can be really hard to relinquish control when it's something I want so badly. In the last few weeks, I have prayed for Him to help me trust in His timing and to help me cope with the fear and anxiety I was feeling about trying to get pregnant again. I woke up yesterday morning and again this morning with so much hope and joy in my heart. There is such comfort in knowing that even when we don't' see it, He is at work in our lives!!!
I am praying for a baby more fervently than ever but I am also praying for patience, faith and wisdom in the meantime. I found the following prayer online and along with praying for a healthy baby, it has become part of my daily mantra...
St. David's Prayer for Infertility
Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings in my life. Help me to remember them as I face the challenges of infertility. I pray that I can surrender myself into your hands. Let me accept the reality of this situation and have the wisdom and courage to take action where I can. Strengthen my body, mind and spirit to endure the trials of infertility. Keep me ever mindful of the needs of others and grant us your peace. Amen.
On a separate note, please keep Lewis in your prayers as he recovers from a back procedure he underwent this past Thursday. He has suffered with back problems for years and years as a result of degenerative disc disease. After trying physical therapy for several months without a change, they decided to try injection therapy to see if he can get some relief. So far, he has noticed a small difference and we are praying tomorrow brings even more relief!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Time to share...
Lewis and I have been going through a pretty difficult journey and we decided it was time to share our struggles with our friends and family. A blog seemed like the quickest way to go about doing that. I know this entry is particularly long but in order to get you up to speed, I didn't want to leave anything out...
We have been trying to have a baby since August of last year and it has been much harder than we anticipated. When we embarked on this journey, we were very excited but we weren't in a huge hurry so we thought we'd just "let it happen". After several months with no luck, we got a little concerned and decided maybe we needed a new approach. I started charting my temps and other fertility signs to pinpoint my ovulation and was relieved to find that it definitely looked like at least that was in working order. We felt certain that armed with this new info, we would get our BFP - big fat positive - pregnancy test in no time. Well, needless to say, that wasn't the case. At that point, we got really worried that something may be wrong. Since Lewis had surgery years ago on one of his testicles, we thought that maybe there was some scarring or something that could be interfering with our efforts. He got an appointment with a new urologist who assured us that wasn't the case - but to ease our minds, he had him go in for some testing. We were both happy to hear that everything was exactly as it should be and all his little swimmers are not just average, but over-achievers. :) This good news came to us at the end of April and was a huge relief. Of course, since we still weren't pregnant, we realized then that we must have needed to focus our efforts on my body.
I wasn't satisfied with my old OB/GYN and really wanted to begin going to a new practice - only I had to wait until July 28th to see the doctor I wanted to see. It seemed like forever away but I went ahead and made the appointment. When I went in on the 28th, she talked to me about our efforts and said she definitely thought it was time for me to have some fertility testing done. She scheduled me to come in for the first round of tests on the 3rd day of my next period and then for more involved tests later that same month of my cycle. It was perfect timing since I was due to start my cycle the very next day.
Well, my period didn't start then - or the next day, or the next... I decided to take a pregnancy test on the morning of the 31st and a very faint second (positive!!) line came up. I didn't trust it so I took another 2 tests the next morning and the line was much darker and Lewis was sure it meant I was pregnant but I still couldn't believe it. I took several more tests over the next few days and all were very dark, very clear positives!! I called my doctor and she assured me that that many tests could not be wrong and that I was definitely pregnant. :) We were beyond excited and even though we tried to be cautious, we immediately started dreaming of our little one-to-be and making plans. We decided we would go ahead and share the news with parents and siblings but wait until we saw the heartbeat to share it with anyone else. Telling my parents and my brother and sister-in-law was one of the most exciting things I've ever done. Lewis's parents were on vacation and we decided to surprise them with the news the night they got back in town. We couldn't wait!
I got to feel pregnant for exactly 7 days before I knew something was wrong. I ended up having a miscarriage in the early morning hours of Saturday, August 8th. I was 5 weeks and 1 day pregnant when it happened. I can't tell you how heartbreaking it is going from that kind of hope and joy to the devastation I felt when I knew I was losing our baby. For those of you who have felt it, I am so, so sorry. I consider myself a pretty empathetic person but I had no idea what that kind of sorrow and pain felt like. Although it was very early and I only knew I was expecting for a week, we have dreamed of having a baby for so long and worked so hard for it that it really felt like we lost a loved one - and we did because we truly did love that little angel already. I prayed so hard every day that God would protect it growing inside me but I know He had his reasons for taking it when he did. And we truly feel blessed that we lost it early because we would have only fallen more and more in love with our baby if we'd had longer to get used to the idea. For that, Lord, we are so grateful.
The first few days coping with our loss were the hardest few days of my life. I felt so empty and so very sad. I was also scared of what the loss would mean for us and our efforts to have a baby. If it took us a year to conceive this first time, what were our chances of it happening again? And if we were blessed enough to conceive again, would this mean that I could miscarry all over again? Could I endure this kind of pain again? Those are questions I'm still struggling with but I have faith that it's going to happen for us and I'm holding on to that the best I can. On top of the sadness and fear, I honestly felt really robbed and pretty angry. At times, I felt that I would have rather not known I was even pregnant if I was only going to have it snatched away from me a week later. Having to call my parents and tell them the sad news was so hard. And of course, instead of greeting Lewis's parents with happy news, they had a much sadder homecoming than they deserved. But the truth is, as hard as all of that was, that week being pregnant was the best week of our lives. We felt like we were in a dream, like we were walking on air. Looking back, I'm so happy we got to feel that. It makes me even more excited for when it happens for us again because now I know just how amazing that feeling is. I can also tell you that what we have experienced only made me fall more deeply in love with my husband. He was so strong during all this and was my absolute rock. As badly as he was hurting, he was everything I needed him to be and more. I have always known that he would be an amazing father but I saw the real depth of his strength as he carried me through this. That strength is what has kept me going through this whole trying to conceive journey. We have experienced month after month of disappointment but he has never once wavered in his faith that we will have a baby of our own someday. Faith like that can't help but rub off on a person and it has definitely rubbed off on me. I thank God every day for giving me such an amazing man to share my life with. I'm more madly in love with him than ever and I can't wait to give him a baby to love!
The really good news that came out of all this is that we now know that I can definitely get pregnant. That's a pretty big deal since we weren't sure that was possible before this. The doctor says that now they can count out many fertility issues they would have been looking at otherwise. The other good news is that since it was so early, we can try again very soon. We're praying that we can conceive again on our own since my body now knows the ropes. My doctor wants to hold off on the fertility tests and she wants us to give it 3 months of trying on our own to see if we can conceive naturally. Then, if it hasn't happened at the end of 3 months, she'll refer us to a fertility specialist. I'm honestly not sure I can wait that long for answers so I may press getting the initial fertility tests out of the way as soon as possible. I will hopefully be able to talk that over with her in the next few days and see what she thinks.
Today, I am completely better physically and I'm almost back to my normal cheerful self. The sadness still hits me from time to time - somewhat unexpectedly because I feel so hopeful now - but I've been told by other's who have been through this that it really does take a while to get past it. I am definitely getting better everyday and I'm ready to start trying again as soon as we can. :)
So there you have it. You know all about this roller coaster ride we've been on. Sorry it has taken us so long but we finally realized how important it is to let our loved ones in on this journey. We know now that we just can't do this on our own. We need you to be part of it because we need your support - and we need your prayers most of all. We are so blessed to have so many amazing people in our lives and we want you to be part of our heartache so that you can share in our joy when we finally bring our baby home. It will all be worth it then!
Please keep us in your prayers as we move forward from here!!! If you want to keep up with our journey, you can become a follower of the blog. I will also send out little notes through email from time to time to let you know when I've posted new info so you can come back and read here. (And I promise that they won't all be this long!!!)
We have been trying to have a baby since August of last year and it has been much harder than we anticipated. When we embarked on this journey, we were very excited but we weren't in a huge hurry so we thought we'd just "let it happen". After several months with no luck, we got a little concerned and decided maybe we needed a new approach. I started charting my temps and other fertility signs to pinpoint my ovulation and was relieved to find that it definitely looked like at least that was in working order. We felt certain that armed with this new info, we would get our BFP - big fat positive - pregnancy test in no time. Well, needless to say, that wasn't the case. At that point, we got really worried that something may be wrong. Since Lewis had surgery years ago on one of his testicles, we thought that maybe there was some scarring or something that could be interfering with our efforts. He got an appointment with a new urologist who assured us that wasn't the case - but to ease our minds, he had him go in for some testing. We were both happy to hear that everything was exactly as it should be and all his little swimmers are not just average, but over-achievers. :) This good news came to us at the end of April and was a huge relief. Of course, since we still weren't pregnant, we realized then that we must have needed to focus our efforts on my body.
I wasn't satisfied with my old OB/GYN and really wanted to begin going to a new practice - only I had to wait until July 28th to see the doctor I wanted to see. It seemed like forever away but I went ahead and made the appointment. When I went in on the 28th, she talked to me about our efforts and said she definitely thought it was time for me to have some fertility testing done. She scheduled me to come in for the first round of tests on the 3rd day of my next period and then for more involved tests later that same month of my cycle. It was perfect timing since I was due to start my cycle the very next day.
Well, my period didn't start then - or the next day, or the next... I decided to take a pregnancy test on the morning of the 31st and a very faint second (positive!!) line came up. I didn't trust it so I took another 2 tests the next morning and the line was much darker and Lewis was sure it meant I was pregnant but I still couldn't believe it. I took several more tests over the next few days and all were very dark, very clear positives!! I called my doctor and she assured me that that many tests could not be wrong and that I was definitely pregnant. :) We were beyond excited and even though we tried to be cautious, we immediately started dreaming of our little one-to-be and making plans. We decided we would go ahead and share the news with parents and siblings but wait until we saw the heartbeat to share it with anyone else. Telling my parents and my brother and sister-in-law was one of the most exciting things I've ever done. Lewis's parents were on vacation and we decided to surprise them with the news the night they got back in town. We couldn't wait!
I got to feel pregnant for exactly 7 days before I knew something was wrong. I ended up having a miscarriage in the early morning hours of Saturday, August 8th. I was 5 weeks and 1 day pregnant when it happened. I can't tell you how heartbreaking it is going from that kind of hope and joy to the devastation I felt when I knew I was losing our baby. For those of you who have felt it, I am so, so sorry. I consider myself a pretty empathetic person but I had no idea what that kind of sorrow and pain felt like. Although it was very early and I only knew I was expecting for a week, we have dreamed of having a baby for so long and worked so hard for it that it really felt like we lost a loved one - and we did because we truly did love that little angel already. I prayed so hard every day that God would protect it growing inside me but I know He had his reasons for taking it when he did. And we truly feel blessed that we lost it early because we would have only fallen more and more in love with our baby if we'd had longer to get used to the idea. For that, Lord, we are so grateful.
The first few days coping with our loss were the hardest few days of my life. I felt so empty and so very sad. I was also scared of what the loss would mean for us and our efforts to have a baby. If it took us a year to conceive this first time, what were our chances of it happening again? And if we were blessed enough to conceive again, would this mean that I could miscarry all over again? Could I endure this kind of pain again? Those are questions I'm still struggling with but I have faith that it's going to happen for us and I'm holding on to that the best I can. On top of the sadness and fear, I honestly felt really robbed and pretty angry. At times, I felt that I would have rather not known I was even pregnant if I was only going to have it snatched away from me a week later. Having to call my parents and tell them the sad news was so hard. And of course, instead of greeting Lewis's parents with happy news, they had a much sadder homecoming than they deserved. But the truth is, as hard as all of that was, that week being pregnant was the best week of our lives. We felt like we were in a dream, like we were walking on air. Looking back, I'm so happy we got to feel that. It makes me even more excited for when it happens for us again because now I know just how amazing that feeling is. I can also tell you that what we have experienced only made me fall more deeply in love with my husband. He was so strong during all this and was my absolute rock. As badly as he was hurting, he was everything I needed him to be and more. I have always known that he would be an amazing father but I saw the real depth of his strength as he carried me through this. That strength is what has kept me going through this whole trying to conceive journey. We have experienced month after month of disappointment but he has never once wavered in his faith that we will have a baby of our own someday. Faith like that can't help but rub off on a person and it has definitely rubbed off on me. I thank God every day for giving me such an amazing man to share my life with. I'm more madly in love with him than ever and I can't wait to give him a baby to love!
The really good news that came out of all this is that we now know that I can definitely get pregnant. That's a pretty big deal since we weren't sure that was possible before this. The doctor says that now they can count out many fertility issues they would have been looking at otherwise. The other good news is that since it was so early, we can try again very soon. We're praying that we can conceive again on our own since my body now knows the ropes. My doctor wants to hold off on the fertility tests and she wants us to give it 3 months of trying on our own to see if we can conceive naturally. Then, if it hasn't happened at the end of 3 months, she'll refer us to a fertility specialist. I'm honestly not sure I can wait that long for answers so I may press getting the initial fertility tests out of the way as soon as possible. I will hopefully be able to talk that over with her in the next few days and see what she thinks.
Today, I am completely better physically and I'm almost back to my normal cheerful self. The sadness still hits me from time to time - somewhat unexpectedly because I feel so hopeful now - but I've been told by other's who have been through this that it really does take a while to get past it. I am definitely getting better everyday and I'm ready to start trying again as soon as we can. :)
So there you have it. You know all about this roller coaster ride we've been on. Sorry it has taken us so long but we finally realized how important it is to let our loved ones in on this journey. We know now that we just can't do this on our own. We need you to be part of it because we need your support - and we need your prayers most of all. We are so blessed to have so many amazing people in our lives and we want you to be part of our heartache so that you can share in our joy when we finally bring our baby home. It will all be worth it then!
Please keep us in your prayers as we move forward from here!!! If you want to keep up with our journey, you can become a follower of the blog. I will also send out little notes through email from time to time to let you know when I've posted new info so you can come back and read here. (And I promise that they won't all be this long!!!)
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